If it's just happened
If you’ve just been raped or sexually assaulted:
Your safety
Try to be somewhere that feels safe. If you are in danger, call 999.
If possible, see if a friend or someone you trust can be with you.
Your physical health
Have any injuries treated by your doctor or at a hospital.
You can call NHS 24 on 111 for health information and medical help out of hours if there is
something you are worried about.
If there is a possibility of pregnancy you may want to take the
morning after pill (up to 72 hours after) or have a coil fitted (up to 5
days after).
You can get the morning after pill free if you let the pharmacist know you would like to get it on the NHS.
Or you can go to your Family Planning Clinic, genito-urinary
medicine (GUM) clinic or GP.
your nearest clinic at https://www.sexualhealthscotland.co.uk/
If you are worried about sexually transmitted infections, you can have fully confidential advice and treatment from your nearest GUM clinic. You do not need a letter from your doctor. You don’t have to give the clinic your real name.
If you wash yourself, use safe products, not household cleaning products as they can be harmful.
You don’t have to make up your mind right away about whether or not to report. In case you do, keep the clothes you were wearing in a paper bag. Forensic evidence can be gathered within seven days of an assault and you can self-refer for a Forensic Medical Examination (FME), meaning you don't have to report first. You can find out more about FMEs here.
Depending on where in Scotland you are, you might be able to access a service that can store forensic evidence while you decide if you want to report. You can find out more about reporting here.
Your mental health
You may be in shock after what has happened. Sexual violence is traumatic, and something that can take time to process and heal from. Our helpline is open every night from 5pm until midnight and can put you in touch with local support.
Sexual violence affects different people in all sorts of different ways. We know that you may have lots of questions. You will find answers to many of the things people often ask here.
These resources have ideas and information on ways of dealing with the impact of sexual violence and how you can look after yourself and heal.