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Working to end sexual violence

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Find local support

Find local support

There are 16 local Rape Crisis Centres across Scotland. All of them offer free and confidential support and information. Although not every area has a centre, you can contact any of them for help and advice. Some centres offer outreach which means they can travel to other towns and villages in an area.

All centres are independent and their services vary. You can phone, write or email, and in some places you can access support in other ways too, like Skype or instant messaging.

Support can be one-off – or it can take place over a longer period, depending on your needs and what the centre is able to offer.

Rape Crisis Centres will give you time to talk. They will listen to what you say and give you information, for example about your options, about the law, health and medical issues.

All centres have Advocacy Workers who can help talk you talk things through if you’re thinking about reporting. They can also support you during the justice process – for example they can accompany you to clinics or the police station, or be in court with you for emotional support during a trial. Find out more about advocacy support here.

Some centres have services especially for young people; some also offer group support, workshops and therapies such as aromatherapy and relaxation techniques.

Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis Centre

Helpline/support: 0800 121 4685 (9am - 4pm Monday to Friday);
Office: 01369 700800;

Tap here for more details about this centre.

Domestic and Sexual Assault Team (DASAT)*

Dumfries & Galloway RASAC (South West)

Helpline/support: 01387 253 113
Office: 01387 253 113;

Tap here for more details about this centre.

Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre

Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre

Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis Centre*

Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre

Orkney Rape & Sexual Assault Service (ORSAS)

Helpline/support: 01856 872 298
Office: 01856 872 298;

Tap here for more details about this centre.

Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre Perth & Kinross

Rape and Sexual Abuse Service Highland (RASASH)

Helpline/support: 03330 066 909 /Text: 07451 288080;
Office: 01463 257 657;

Tap here for more details about this centre.

Scottish Borders Rape Crisis

The Compass Centre (Shetland)

Western Isles Rape Crisis Centre

Helpline/support: 01851 709 965
Office: 01851 709 965;

Tap here for more details about this centre.

Women's Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (WRASAC)

Helpline/support: 01382 201 291 Voicemail callback service;
Office: 01382 205 556;

Tap here for more details about this centre.

If you’re looking for other kinds of help and information, ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) has details on a wide range of agencies and organisations all over Scotland.

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